
DFES PTA works hard to raise funds that provide every child at DFES with the tools they need to reach their social, emotional, and academic potential.

Literacy Suport Teacher

Our Literacy Specialist works with individuals in small groups to ensure equitable access to the curriculum, improved cooperative work in classrooms, and middle-school readiness.

Art for All Grades

Through school-wide art classes, students learn to express their creativity using various mediums and materials, transforming our art room and school hallways with their colorful artwork, which is showcased to the community on Art Night.

Educator and Staff Funds

Funds for our Educators and Staff. We support our dedicated public school teachers and staff by providing funds they can use for everything from field trips to magazines, books, carpet cleaning, supplies, and more. We also support teachers’ professional development like National Board Certification.

Classroom Learning Tools

DFES PTA’s support of online educational tools is more important than ever. The PTA pays for subscriptions – available to all students – for various resources like Raz-kids, BrainPop, and Epic! Learning without tears helps children learn the basics of writing with joy – a foundation for learning and communicating in all grades! 


We are implementing ParentSquare – an online communication platform for our community. Fill out this form to get access to ParentSquare.

Community Building

DFES PTA organizes and supports cultural and seasonal events celebrating our diverse community. We have also Invested in anti-racist and inclusive programming for our parent education nights. 

Outdoor Education Program

DFES has beautiful school gardens and a state of the art outdoor classroom. In our hands-on environmental science program, children grow herbs and vegetables and learn to cook and dry herbs to make herbal teas. DFES PTA supports this program through supply funding.

Summer Planning

Summer Planning. DFES PTA supports our teacher leadership and principal in strategic planning sessions in the summer to start the school year off in unity.

Health and Safety

DFES PTA will provide supplemental PPE and sanitation support when we return to school. Additionally, the PTA will replenish our school-wide emergency safety. When on-site, the PTA offers families a safe and friendly daily welcome by organizing and supplying our school drop off “Stop, Drop, and Go” service.